

发布时间: 2024-05-17 11:39:53北京青年报社官方账号





As both China and Russia are facing the threat of hegemonism and power politics, the two countries should continue to firmly support each other on issues concerning respective core interests. China is willing to strengthen dialogues and cooperation with Russia in the Central Asian region, in a bid to jointly safeguard the peace and stability of the neighboring regions of both countries.


As a permanent member of the UN Security Council and the world's largest developing country, China has been supporting the UN's work, Li said. China will participate in UN missions in various fields - such as politics, peacekeeping and development, and economic affairs - in comprehensive and in-depth ways, the premier said. The country will fulfill its international obligations and promote world peace, foster global development and safeguard the international order, he said.


As a further attempt to explain the association between economic growth and tech innovation, Wu said, "It isn't hard to envision how advances in tech could lead to the automation of our future."


As a result, China has been speeding up expansion of its much-needed underground gas storage facilities in recent years. It has issued several policies since 2017 focusing on storage buildup and the related pricing mechanisms. The 13th Five-Year Plan on Natural Gas Development set a target for underground storage working capacity to reach 14.8 billion cubic meters by 2020 from the current capacity of around 10 billion cubic meters.


As far as digital output, the country's automotive, industrial equipment, infrastructure and transportation industries will lead the way in growth. Natural resources and consumer goods will be close behind. But the financial industry's digital output will represent approximately one-third of the sector's total in 2020.


